About Myself Part II

 About Me

        Hello, readers of this blog, my name is Muhammad Naufal Regga Reviadi as the owner of this blog. I was born in Bandung on March 16, 2005, around three to six in the morning at St. Hospital Borromeus Bandung. I was born to a mother named Suhendraningrum and a father named Anang Supriatna. My father works as a private employee in a company in Sumatra and my mother works as a housewife. I live with my father and mother in Gg. Ereh No. 4A, to be precise, is in the center of Bandung, near the mayor's pavilion. Long before I was born, I used to have a brother and a sister, but my mother had a miscarriage which resulted in the death of my brother and sister. 

       I started my education at Kuncup Harapan Kindergarten, the place is on Karang Anyar Street 37, Karanganyar, Astanaanyar district, Bandung City, West Java. When I was in kindergarten there, I had a lot of friends who helped me how to communicate, play, and do other things. I still remember at that time, one class in kindergarten numbered sixteen people. I attended kindergarten from 2009 to 2011. I also celebrated my birthday in kindergarten in 2010, when my father and mother were there to accompany me and all my friends were there to celebrate my birthday.

        Then I continued my education at the Banjarsari State Elementary School which is now called SDN 113 Banjarsari. This elementary school is located on Merdeka Street 22, Babakan Ciamis, Sumur Bandung District, Bandung City, West Java. I still remember many memories of being in this elementary school because elementary school was the first place I went to school where I could meet more friends than in kindergarten. In my class, there are more than forty people, I can say that in elementary school there are more students than in kindergarten. Starting from grade one to grade six, I started my educational journey not as smooth as imagined at grade one. I was still shy to meet classmates then the grades were still not satisfactory. That's why I struggled to get a satisfactory score. My score were even more satisfying when I started my education in the fifth grade of elementary school.

        When I was in elementary school, my teachers told my parents that I was clumsy, careless, and in too much of a hurry when I was doing my test or something. Then my parents told me that I should be able to improve myself better so that this kind of thing doesn't happen again because it could harm me. 

         When 2016, I started moving to the sixth grade. Sixth grade was a time of life and death, meaning whether I could get into the junior high school I wanted. When I was in grade 6, it was a defining moment for me because the National Examination (UN) started to enter a higher school level, namely Junior High School (SMP). I fought relentlessly to get the best score in the UN. Two weeks of non-stop learning interspersed with family time and play. And thank God I got a UN nem score of 27.25. I am proud of the efforts made so far. After the implementation of the UN started, my classmates and I took a photo with the teacher for future memories. 

        After the National Exam ended, I enrolled at the State Junior High School 5 Bandung. At the beginning of the New Student Admission, I was optimistic that I would definitely enter Junior High School with that UN score, because the minimum UN score at that time was sufficient. Finally, when the announcement took place, I managed to start my education at Junior High School 5 in 2017. I was happy to be able to enter Junior High School 5 with the results of my hard work when the UN took place at that time. I'm also happy to met old classmates who are now in Junior High School 5. Even though my classmates are separated, I'm happy to see them again.

         I entered 7J class which at that time was on the second floor. My homeroom teacher of 7J was Mr. Erman, a cultural arts teacher who taught there. My homeroom teacher is very kind to his students, even though the teacher is actually ignorant. But my homeroom teacher really cares what happens in class. There I have a new experience and a lot too. My experience at that time was like calling the teacher to the teacher's room so that the teacher could enter class faster. And when I was in 7th grade, I took the online exam for the first time using a laptop. In my opinion, using a laptop is quite difficult for the exam because you have to use this and that. After carrying out all the exams in semester one and semester two, I managed to get good grades and I was ranked in the top 5.

         Then in 2018, I moved to 8th grade and the 8th grade I entered was the 8D class. When in junior high school, the class will automatically change again, even though there are the same ones. My homeroom teacher is still the same person, namely Mr. Erman. Mr. Erman became Mr. Erman's homeroom teacher for two consecutive years. There I learned a lot about how to become a better person than before. In 8D class, I have many fond memories, such as the first time I met another classmate and became friends. Class 8D is located on the first floor, adjacent to Class 8E and 8C. In my opinion, the teachers in grade 8 have started to be fierce with their teachers, and then they have started to have a lot of tasks. In 8th grade, I challenged myself to be more diligent than before. As a result, I was ranked first in the class for one year. Besides, I still have the habit of calling the teacher to go to class, even though I've reduced that habit. But when there was no teacher in the class, I was so bored that I called the teacher into the class so I wouldn't be bored.

         When I was in grade 8, I was very close to the social studies teacher. I don't know why I got close, but I was able to get to know the social studies teachers because they were very fun to talk to about other things besides school. In my opinion, the most exciting teacher at SMPN 5 was the social studies teacher. So, I was known by all the social studies teachers at SMPN 5. In grade 8, I attended basketball extracurricular activities but didn't finish. Besides that, I didn't take other extracurriculars because, in my opinion in junior high school I should be able to get the best grades and try to be ambitious in all subjects. In semester one and semester two of grade 8, I got good grades and managed to make my parents proud.

         Then I managed to advance to grade 9. I entered grade 9A in 2019. Of course, with a new homeroom teacher also by the name of Mrs. Trismawati or Indonesian language teacher. The teacher is famous for his cold aura. Even though the teacher is kind and considerate of his students. In 9th grade, I made friends with new students from other classes. Because I mingle easily, it makes it easier for me to communicate with classmates. When I was in 9th grade, I started to change a little, I used to be very diligent, but when I was in 9th grade, I was lazy to take a lesson even though I was still diligent. But I started to be naughty, like playing out with friends until the afternoon, going to the cinema with friends, and so on. I also feel confused about why I can change, but the most important thing is to pursue values.

        Class 9 began to change a lot because it was also about to start next year's National Examination. During July and August, there was still no tryout, until September started the tryout. The first time I had a tryout, I was very surprised because the value I got the first time was still far from what I expected. I thought I would get a top 3 ranking, but what I got is the 5th rank. Even so, I am still grateful to be in the top 5 rankings. From September to December, I followed the tryout but all I got from the tryout was the result I didn't like. Starting from the first tryout until the tryout in December, my grades have decreased.

         The second semester was the worst because the coronavirus hit Indonesia in March which resulted in all activities having to be carried out online. But before studying online, I was in school from January to March. I was still following the tryout, but the results were still the same as last year's tryout. After March 16, schools were closed, therefore the National Examination was canceled and all schools were closed until June. After 4 months passed, I enrolled him at the State High School 3 Bandung. I signed up there to challenge myself to be more independent in learning. I finally managed to enter SMAN 3 through the grades path because I had good grades.



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